Saturday, August 11, 2018 by Ethan Huff
In order to maintain a safe and well-functioning society, it’s necessary to have law and order, which serves to keep the peace and protect the liberties of all people. But the legal system in the United States is utterly broken, as is the police system that thrives on depriving people of their God-given rights in exchange for “filthy lucre,” a.k.a. the love of money.
In the following clip, posted to REAL.video, Mark Passio from “What On Earth Is Happening” covers the recent spate of lemonade stand “crackdowns” where police officers have actually assaulted and arrested supposedly free Americans for “operating a ‘business’ without a license.”
As you’ll notice in the clip, the people serving lemonade on the White House lawn were merely exercising what Passio refers to as their natural law rights – that is, the freedom to live, breathe, and engage in harmless activity without the threat of interference or violence. But they were quickly targeted by jackboot cops who know nothing of natural law, and actually work against it every single day in order to get a paycheck.
“Setting up a lemonade stand, which has been a tradition in this country since its founding, [resulted in] cops … going over to them and saying that they’re operating a business without a license, to a child,” explains Passio. “You don’t need a license to do something that you have a natural law right to do, and that you’re not harming anyone as a result of that action.”
While these same cops would insist that they’re merely enforcing the law, which is their duty, what they fail to recognize is that there are many unjust and unconstitutional “laws” that violate natural law – and these natural law rights cannot be infringed.
These cops can be seen admitting this in the same video clip, revealing that they don’t really care what they’re told to do so long as they get paid.
“A perfect Nazi is what they are,” maintains Passio. “You would have been wonderful, wonderful accessories at Sobibór or at Treblinka or at Dachau or at Auschwitz … because it’s the same mentality. People died fighting when we fought the British. They died fighting the Nazis.”
It’s a sick culture, this modern-day police state that too many Americans have been indoctrinated into believing is perfectly normal. Even many Trump supporters are falling for the lie that “law and order” at all costs is a good thing, when in fact it stands to greatly expand the already problematic police state in this country.
“These police have nothing better to do than to go serve their corporate masters as whores for their corporatist overlords, and go and serve their biddings and shut down this unregulated commerce without a license, which equates to destroying a little girl’s lemonade stand,” says Passio.
“It’s a moral issue that has everything to do with natural law. It has everything to do with principal. It has everything to do with morality. I’m trying to highlight the amoral, psychopathic mindset that these people are in. And they think that they’re moral. They think they’re doing something good. And yet, they’re completely amoral, have no principles. Their parents did not raise them.”
Passio also has no qualms stating plainly that most cops worship the almighty dollar, which is their own personal god.
“It’s not my opinion. I understand how natural law works, I understand how they broke it, and they don’t care as long as they’re getting paid. That’s their god. THAT’S THEIR GOD. They don’t have any god. Their god is the dollar bill.”
See FoodFreedom.news for more coverage.
Sources for this article include:
Tagged Under: Tags: arrest, assault, concentration camps, Constitution, cops, corruption, dictatorship, economics, fake god, food freedom, free market, freedom, health freedom, lemonade stand, Liberty, Mark Passio, money, natural law, Nazis, police state, priority, rights, Tyranny